Tuesday, November 8, 2011

MOT Day 7 & 8/ Playing in the Rain!

Month of Thanksgiving
Day 7- Today (Yesterday!), I am thankful for schedules! Now, more than ever, I felt like it was important for me to be on a daily schedule. I am proud to say that my schedule worked out perfectly! I got up early (wow!), fed & dressed Emma (and me!), ran errands, got work hours in, took Emma to the library for story-time, did laundry, cooked supper, cleaned, took Emma to dance, bathed Emma and put her to bed (by 9!!!), showered, worked more and went to bed! It was a jam packed day, but I was feeling like Supermom! Until about 5 am this morning, which brings me to...

Day 8- Today, I am thankful for false alarms! Emma woke up vomiting at 5 am. Then again at 6 am. So I KNEW she had a stomach virus! We didn't got to school or work, just stayed home. Amazingly though, she's been fine all day! More than fine, she has been so happy and sweet! In fact, she's usually scared of the rain and storms, but NOT today!

She went outside and wanted to feel the rain!

Ignore the diaper... we are having potty training issues!!

It tickles, Mommy!

Slide was wet, but she didn't care!

Later, she had to go back out in the rain AGAIN!

My pretty girl!

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