Monday, October 29, 2012

Liebster Blog Award!

So I'm pretty out of it when it comes to the blogging world. When I saw a comment from Cristin saying that she nominated me for a Liebster Award, I first thought, YAY! Then...WHAT?? So I googled it! It is basically an award for favorite up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers! So YAY!

First off, go check out Cristin at Blended With Love who nominated me! She has a very good blog!

The Rules:

Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
They must answer the questions that the nominator set for them plus create 11 questions for the others that they nominate.
Choose 11 people to nominate, link them in your post, and let them know you nominated them!
And you can't tag back!!

Here are my questions!

1. What made you start blogging?
Emma, of course! I started blogging to document "Life with Emma" ;)
2. Looking back from the beginning of your blogging days, do you think your blogging style has changed? Why?
I'd love to stay that my style has improved, but I don't know if its true! Ha! I do blog more consistently than I did. I try to do more than just post pictures with captions, but on long days...that's what you get, sorry!
3. What food do you absolutely hate? 
That's a hard one. I like to try all foods and different preparations, but I do occasionally come across things I don't like. I'm having a hard time picking one that I HATE, though. I don't like raw tomatoes usually, but I will eat them on a BLT. So I can't say I hate them. The only thing I can think of is "fishy" fish. I LOVE seafood, but if it tastes or smells fishy, I can't go there.
4. When was the last time you laughed so hard you peed your pants?
Way too often since I've given birth!

5.  Did you keep your New Year's resolution from 2012?
You mean all 26 of them? Hahaha! None of the Personal goals, ALL of my goals for Emma (YAY!), Some of the Household goals, None of the Time Management goals, Most of the Financial goals, One of the Misc. goals. I'll let y'all guess which is which! ;)

6. Describe your favorite Christmas ornament.
Any and all of them! I love Christmas decorations!
7. Which of your parents are you most alike?
Clinton would say I was stubborn like my daddy, but I don't agree. I think I'm most like my mom!

8. What's your favorite way to relax?
Soak in the tub and read!

9. What is your pet peeve?
Which one? I have entirely too many. Maybe I just don't like people! I'll just say the one that was brought up yesterday at Emma's party!! It really bothers me when the birthday girl (boy) is opening presents and all the other kids are on top of them and no one can see. Like makes me CRAY-CRAY! Thankfully none of the kids did that yesterday, despite my sister urging them to! Heifer.

10. What's your favorite TV show?
I DVR way too many show, but my absolute favorite is The Big Bang Theory! I can watch the reruns over and over and it never gets old!

11. If you could give one piece of advice about anything, what would it be?  
Meal plan. Don't question it, just do it!
Ok! Now I get to nominate so great blogs!! 

1. The Harris Life
2. The Bell Beat
3. The Sirois Family
4. Here comes the sun
5. Olive Gypsy
6. Everyday Atchleys
7. Jenn's Journey
8. Chillin' with the Hillen's
9.  O! The Places We'll Go
10. The Enabler and Her Codependents
11. The Smith Family

Here are your 11 questions! Get ready for random.

1. Look back 5 years ago. Is your life what you thought it would be? Why?
2. Which cartoon makes you want to go on a shooting spree?
3. What was your favorite vacation?
4. Where is your DREAM vacation spot?
5. Pumpkin or sweet potato? Dressing or stuffing?
6. Favorite subject in high school/ college?
7. What is your favorite app?
8. Which cartoon character would you like to meet in real life? What would you say to them?
9. If you could jump into a movie, which one would you pick?
10. Are you into college sports? Which team?
11. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Don't forget to notify the blogs you've nominated! Thanks Cristin, this was fun!


  1. congratulations!1 love your posts!!!

  2. Oh my goodness, thank you so much! I will try and post about this soon! That was so nice of you!
