2011 was a darn good year. But that doesn't mean I don't have big plans for next year! Several big plans, so bear with me...
I broke it down in categories, see already working on my organization goals!
Personal goals
Lose weight- 30 lbs before May (and our beach vacation), plus the 10 or so I've gained in the last two weeks. I don't know how much because I refuse to weigh myself :/
Learn how to fix my hair
Learn how to do my make-up (I always hate the way it comes out)
Actually fix my hair and make-up (whenever I am leaving the house anyway! And no, I did not do it today... that starts tomorrow!)
Goals for Emma
Potty Training ASAP
Teach Emma to write name/ letters
Work on getting her to clean her room more easily
Household Goals
Clean out and organize medicine cabinet
Organize laundry room
Turn hall closet into a craft closet
Clean out garage and install shelves, organize
Reorganize pantry and kitchen cabinets
Reorganize my closet
Figure out a better storage/ organization options for bathroom
Time Management Goals
Come up with a good/ consistent work/daily schedule
KEEP up with my cleaning schedule
Financial Goals
Pay off credit card debt
Do Not charge ANYTHING on credit cards
Build up savings
Pay off medical bills
Stick to monthly budget
Miscellaneous Goals
Learn how to use my Canon Rebel (not using Auto Mode!)
Learn how to use my PhotoShop
Blog more
Craft more
Update Emma's scrapbooks
I am optimistic that I will look at this list on Dec. 31, 2012 and see that most of my goals have been completed! Keep me motivated people!
OMG, there are 26 resolutions. BTW- I bought some new make-up today, so I'm on my way to completing one!!